The other day I was having was one of those days….you know where you get out of bed and kick your toe on the bed leg, proceed to the bathroom with your eyes only half open, only to trip over hubby’s dirty clothes which should have been in the dirty clothes hamper…..
GREAT….this was going to be a good day! NOT! Or so I thought…….
Midway into the morning the postie arrives…..carrying a mysterious pretty envelope with a goat picture on it….”First Class Mail International” was clearly stamped on the front. Hmmm….I know there has been the odd occasion (ok – regular occurence? LOL) of my ordering something and then proceeding to forget about it because it takes sooooo lonnnnng to arrive BUT this time I was certain I wasn’t awaiting anything….so….what was this??
I turned the envelope over only to see it was from one of my dear internet friends, Daryl of Patchouli Moon Studio….so of course now I was even MORE intrigued as I was certainly not expecting anything from Daryl….so I quickly had to gain entry into that envelope….in retrospect….I should of opened it more carefully and saved the poor old goat from a headache….BUT you know how it is when you are in a hurry, right?…..LOLL
WOW….was I totally blown away to see that Daryl had so very carefully and with such perfection, crafted a couple of postcards with none other than MY logo on them! WOW! TOTALLY AMAZING!!! These postcards are so neat….(I wonder if Daryl and Maria had lessons in the same sewing school!?!)
The first one sports the cutest little button as if it was made specifically for the postcard logo!
Daryl thought her writing was abit wobbly But I like it like this…’s just perfect and adds to the character!
And here’s the second one….
Daryl quilted the background in swirls and added an applique flower with a french knot in the middle…too cute!
Check out the stamping on the backs! COOL!
I love my postcards from afar….such a lovely way to turn the day around! Thank you Daryl for such an AWESOME gift which I shall treasure always! 🙂
You can check out more of Daryl’s awesome work on her Blog here!